Want To Step Up as photographer? You
Need To Read This First!
Dmitrij Vasilenko
April 30, 2016
Interview, MESSFashion

Do you remember your first taken photograph or maybe you have your most memorable photograph taken in early stage of your career?At the beginning of my career it took me a long time to produce pictures I really liked. I believe for me the process was much longer than for most of the photographers. I was always painfully aware that while I am doing “this” there are real photographers out there like Tim Walker or Paolo Roversi.
One of the first photograph of mine I really loved was a photograph of ballerina. I was working a lot with long flying fabrics, discovering different ways to introduce movement to the picture. At one point I thought, that we need more than standard modeling poses and who could be more aware of how their body looks while moving then ballet dancers. We made a collaboration with two dancers from Ballet Bejart ( www. bejart .ch/en/ ) and the result was better then I could dream. In this moment I congratulated myself with first worthy picture

Like every artist, from time to time we have creative blocks, how do you avoid them or deal with them when they happen?For me creative block can mean one of the two things either I am overbooked and do not have “idle” time to go outside and think or I am becoming obsessed with the project and I just need to switch to something else for couple of days. Either way one of my favorite techniques is what I call “escape” a few days in another city, preferably another country, without my laptop and with my phone in airplane mode.