Mad Hatter - Selfies Vague Sensations And MoreIf you are in the US, my prints can be found in this gallery: are located in Palo Alto Downtown, currently still running
I've Got My Publication, What's Next? Let's divide your promotion efforts into 4 circles: 1. Team and magazine 2. Clients - personal communication 3. Blogs and newspapers (or wherever your earned audience lives) 4. Social media
Personal Work Vague Sensations Photobook Vague Sensations is a photo book about emotions that can’t be put into words and keep circulating in our subconscious, transforming and evolving, but never finding a way out. Eventually they become
Fine Art Gallery House I have been a member of Gallery House ( from Summer 2020. I am proud to present my work among 20+ other local artists working in different media. "“Gallery