Self-Portraits In 12 years that I practice photography I never did a self-portrait until this COVID pandemic. I understand that photography is non-essential, but it was always essential for me - the act of
Critique From Photographers vs. From Audience It's been several months since I started to work closely with community of young photographers, first through Kiev School of Photography and later from my own Critique group. Before that, my
How To Remain Inspired - 2 (Advice From Photo-Community) Some time ago I make a small list of ideas on How to remain inspired []. During the last couple of weeks I post the same question to several photo
Anxiety and Insomnia - Tips And Tricks (In Russian Below) Right now under quarantine many of us are getting a little insane that's why I wanted to share some tips and tricks that helped me
Lessons Learned (My Favorite Of Budapest Questions) * Great product doesn’t “sell itself”. I see a lot of very talented photographers with fantastic universe of works and yet not having almost any recognition. Normally they get to around 500 followers
Project Proposal I think that in time like this it's artist's work to provide a creative outlet for those feelings and at the same time tell a story about fears and hopes of the people in crisis