Портрет Без Лица (Выдержки) Когда фотография является анонимной, мы не можем узнать модель, но это не имеет значения. Эти изображения могут быть такими же мощными, как и традиционные портреты.
Lecture Transcript: Part Three - Creative Process And The Industry Ok, let's do this now. Again don't take it too seriously, more like a fun experiment. We will try to determine your best fit in photo-industry based on the characteristics of your creative process.
Lecture Transcript: Part Two - Cultural Differences In this part I compare the culture of doing both business and collabs in Ukraine, Europe and the US. I translated the table to English just once, first 3 untranslated tables are just
Lecture Transcript: Part One - Short Bio Ok, so as promised, I am starting a transcript of my Kiev School of Photography lecture. The lecture is long, so I divided it in 4 parts. First 2-3 minutes are missing, so