Lecture + Master-Class Combo In Kiev (Report) I really loved to work with the school (Kiev School Of Photography), they helped me to adopt my materials to their audience, they were always responsive and professional and supportive, and they promoted me a lot.
How To Remain Inspired For me there are three types of inspiring material. First is staying inside photography world and staying current:
Tutorial About Failure: Vanity Agencies, Galleries, Magazines Of course, you know there is money to be made on any kind of person's struggle, but especially on bruised ego, that's why there are so many companies who
Talk in Kiev Oct 12th 12 Oct, 2pm - talk about photography for general public 1. comparison of tendencies and work style in Ukraine, Europe and USA
Tutorial About Failure: Confidence After Mistake Mistake is the hardest kind of failure: it's one thing to fail because you weren't ready or because of bad luck, but when the fault is yours, it is hardest on your ego and your confidence moving forward.