Kateryna Kiamarsi

- Please tell us a bit about you, what is your story?

- I was born and raised in Odesa, Ukraine. Life took me out of Ukraine and brought me to California 18 years ago, where I continue raising my daughter.

- Tell us about your experience with the war - what happened for you?

- This genocidal war is a horrific tragedy. I found out about the first wave of attacks as they happened by getting a phone call from my dear friend of over 25 years in Odessa as the first explosions were going on. This war has been dominating my attention and has been a constant source of anxiety and stress since the beginning.

- Tell us about the photoshoot - what does it capture for you?

- The shoot is an expression of grief and sorrow for the atrocities suffered by my people, felt not only by myself but all Ukrainians living abroad. It’s also an expression of the guilt that comes with the safety they don’t have.

- If people want to help Ukraine, what would be the most effective way now in your experience?

- There are places you can go online to donate to the cause, such as U24.gov.ua. There are simpler efforts people can make, such as educating themselves about the war and why it is so important for Ukraine to win so that when the opportunity arises to educate someone else, they can direct their attention where it will do the most good. There are more involved ways to help by sponsoring a refugee by Humanitarian Parole under the Uniting for Ukraine program.