Project Proposal


In the midst of COVID-19 I am starting a project to reflect on feeling of uncertainty, anxiety and sadness brought by the virus. I think that in time like this it's artist's job to provide a creative outlet for those feelings and at the same time tell a story about fears and hopes of the people in crisis


  • Until the crisis is ended I will meet with one of the models every 10 days to create 3 fine-art looks to reflect on what both model and I are feeling at the moment.
  • We will aim for more fine-art approach (think Dark beauty, Vogue Italia Online, See.Me community - I work directly with all 3 so I think they can become our allies).
  • We will use simple props and wardrobe to create impactful images; we will include a MUA in the team only if his/her skills are crucial for the look we are developing
  • In case I won't be able to find a model (if the situation gets very bad and there will be a lockdown) I will keep the story going working on self-portraits (didn't try that before).
  • Plus to the portraits I will interview my models and will keep adding updates about the situation so we will have social context developing in parallel with pure emotional one.
  • Plus to normal submission I want to gather the resulting pictures and text in a form of book to achieve what was stated in "Reason" section. I think I can also show our story on Raw Artists showcase in San Francisco where we can all gather and celebrate when the virus is finally gone.


  • Virus is no joke and at no point I would want to put anyone at risk
  • That's why we need to arrange to use personal transportation, not public transport, to arrive on our location
  • That's why we also will keep the number of people in the team to an absolute minimum
  • We will not use any crowded places or public spaces for our shoots
  • I have all the professional light and props at home so we don't need to go to a public studio
  • If any of us has symptoms before the photoshoot we will need to postpone; if anyone has symptoms the days after we shot, I will postpone the next photoshoot or go into self-portrait mode
  • I want the risk to be minimal - the risk of meeting one person who you know didn't exhibit any symptoms. It's a risk smaller than the risk of going to work or to any shop or cafe, smaller risk that this is reachable only if you and everyone you interact with are staying at home on complete lockdown.