Tips On Shooting In Rain And Snow

Let’s look at the problems and possible solutions for working with the rain and snow.

  • Camera/Equipment. You can use a different level of protection for your camera in the rain: a box for underwater photoshoots, an assistant with an umbrella or plastic bag fixed on the lens and wrapped around the camera’s body. I use the last one because it’s easiest but makes it more uncomfortable to use zoom. You should not use your studio lights in the rain because they start to shock people who touch them.
  • Model. Rain is normally not a problem for a model unless it’s windy or the model looks in the ski in which case it’s hard to keep the eyes open
  • Makeup And Hair. The problem with rain is that it washes off make-up and wets the hair. So one can’t do anything glamorous. In a light rain, makeup will stay around an hour, hard rain 15 min. So it’s best to keep things really close to natural or have makeup with wet textures, to begin with.
  • Wardrobe. This is one of the hardest parts. Stylists normally wouldn’t allow the clothes in the rain. They are responsible and need to return clothes in perfect condition. The same thing goes for returns in a shop. So you can either use simple clothes that belong to the model and are not new or expensive or (my favorite option) work with the designer directly, not through a stylist. Designers know which fabric can be wet and how to dry their outfits properly.

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