Hello everyone!
Now that blog is growing it also became a bit hard to navigate so here is a very brief explanation of how things organized here:
- My name is Aliona and I am a fashion photographer. I created this blog to answer questions that I get online (you can ask one as well :))and during my masterclasses. There are also more structured tutorials here because some topics (like light for example) require more systematic approach then just questions
- This blog is created mainly for photographers, but models and MUA could also find QA section interesting and of course also welcome to participate in discussions
- Most of the materials and pictures here are by me, but I also have a guest interviewee every once in a while for the questions that are more about MUA/stylist/model perspective. I also plan to feature other photographers talking about their signature techniques.
- My contact is aliona.kuz@gmail.com If you want to get featured or get portfolio review by me or organize a masterclass together or just get in touch — don’t hesitate to drop a line;)
Existing Tutorials: