Why I choose a nickname for modeling ?
I have many reasons why i chose a nickname as a model. At first to « get » and « be » totally free. Think about it, when you be a part of your ordinary day-life with you real name, you can’t really be completely open-minded, your are kind attached with the name you received at your own and personal life. Like a shadow with YOUR past story.
And when you get a « magic word » like a nickname, using as the door of your imaginary, it’s easier to BE a real model, to be inspired : through emotions, by the person of the story telling, from an unpopular or famous identity, of the environment you lay on, of the smell and the energy around you, of the time Schedule, of the life experience and the meaning goal your learned about.
I appreciate to have this honor to be for a while, the « créature » or the woman. Through all my bodypart, from the head to the toes, passing by the heart and the spirit, I like to get out my own point of view and share what they gave to us.

For me, you can’t pretened to be a model if you don’t try at your best to INCARNE the inspiration you want to share. As each person and story is unique, I would like to be and stay the honesest without making confusing with my own story, my own real name.
It’s kind a sign of respect to work and stay neutral. Of course, your own expérience helps to feel some émotions. It’s also, for me, important to share honest feelings.
Freyja Gember it’s my door to be créative without fears or préjudice.
An other important reason how i got a nickname, as I do love portrait, the real portrait, without volunteer artifice (clothes, accessories, make-up, tattoo). And… nude photography too.
Nude art for me represent the complete portrait of a human being.
Just you, being you, with your skin, your inside body, your energy, your soul, your memories, your scarfs, your life. Your body is unique. Like your story. he knows exactly where you have been throughout by your life since today. Portrait of a man or woman don’t have to be hidden by « tendance/in the mood » accessories. Look with our old genes, the animal reign, would you take a portrait with artifices ? Sounds crazy but it’s realistic in a way. People are shocked and confused when they learned that I pose for nude art. Why people have an anxious point of view with nude art ? I developed a funny game since : I show a nude picture of me without telling it’s me on it, they all at 99% liked at first the picture but when I told them that the model it’s me, their minded changed. The way they look at me too. We lost to see people at his basic, without making sexualisation with a naked body.
Freyja it’s sensitive bridge for some closed-mind people to meet my work, my universe.
The other main reason it’s because I do live in a beautifull country (Switzerland) and people don’t see with a good eye when you do, pose for, nude art. People around me, even in my other work or studies, are afraid for my future. They use to tell me that one day I won’t get a job or could be fired from my place because of my nudes works.
So as a spy, I choose an other identity to argue and it helps. In case I can say my work pictures are my artistic part life and not my real « job »life. It’s kind my lifejacket security. Even if they would write my real name on google, and they won’t discovered my artistiques (nude) work directly. People stay focus with prejudices. Freyja helps me to stay away from this confusion. To make the différence.
Freyja Gember is for me the way to express my deep emotions, to feel free and balanced with myself. This is why I searched a mitoligic godnesss name. As my freckles comes from my vikings genes, I looked up for a strong nordique carater and Freyja fits me 100% by her image and mentality.

Is is the flamingo picture retouched ?
What is interesting in photography, it’s to take an immortal moment with no-digital computer effect. This is where the magic happen and permits us to travel.
To answer to the question, no we didn’t, with Aliona Kuznetzova, use Photoshop to create the flamingo effect. We use a system of light and image while the photoshoot.
We used to work as or ancetres did from the beginning, touching the matter by hands , mind, stretching the subject, malaxing the base, playing with the organic matter, testing photography limits, going over our boundary comfort. Here, we did use lights and image to surperime pose 2 basic material in live. And immortalised. I’m not sure at 100% if Aliona does touched a bit color to make a bit stronger. I should ask her J !

Did you do all pictures in Lausanne or you travel ?
I would say it’s around 50/50. As I’m young independent student woman, I use to work with my real name, it keeps me time and I have to be a bit sedentary. I like to create in my own town to meet great local artist and to mixed creation, to do “our” mixed culture. Sometimes, we just need to look what’s around us.
So when I’m on vacation, day-off, I try to travel as much as I can, to discover the world and the people who lives on. Also when I travel to see a friend or to discover a new country, I try to create with the local artist like photographer, painter, stylist, etc..
I love meeting new person, ideas, point of view, culture… and I like to know that I grow my own knowledge, spirit and soul.
Art it’s fantastic way to communicate and learn from each other.