As soon as the pictures are published, I feature them on my social media. Every channel has a different format: on Instagram, I show some tear-sheets and some hi-res, sometimes a bts or video of the whole story; on FB, it’s always 3 best hi-res; the website has all the high res as a slide show.
Last but not least, I take time to reflect on the whole creative process of the series. My main question is: did the series turned out as I planned? Did I communicate clearly the initial idea? Some series, even if they are well published, can be a failure because I didn’t manage to communicate what I wanted. Some others, while more obscured, might be an essential step towards bigger series or project, but that’s another story :)
This little note concludes the first tutorial, next one coming on Friday is about working with models on set, it’s going to be just 2 days long. But before that, tomorrow I will talk a bit about
NextUp: Use Of Social Media For Self Promotion As a Photographer