I am a little bit confused, a little bit irritated by this new FB/IG fear of nudes. The picture above for example was accepted uncensored by Vogue Italia online and by SeeMe photo award, but apparently, it’s unacceptable for your FB feed.
I know one wouldn’t want to open the naked pictures on public transport or in front of a kid, but there are lots of ways to work with that without censoring (look at 500px for example).
What actually happens when you ban nudity is it travels to the shadow-net where nice art nudes become lost among vulgar and pornographic fast-nude. Now everything is uniformly “dirty” and you are not in control anymore of the quality of the work you see. Imagine a child who grew up never seeing a Greek statue or classic painting, who makes the immediate connection between bare skin and pornography — this is a child of the censored world, naturally drowned to see the human body and artificially disgusted by it.
PS. Little grey circle makes it alright apparently — who knows what it could hide indeed :))