Ok, so today we are talking about all the websites where you are represented, but they are not your core websites. Let’s bring in yesterday’s diagram

Green arrows here represent resources that bring you new viewers, red — resources where you direct your existing ones. For example, on lead picture we have my work in a magazine with 1,3M followers. I had my picture there 4 times and every time I have higher then normal growth of my own following.
At the same time, Kickstarter, Etsy or Patreon hardly brings you any viewers from within a system unless you are featured on top of main page. For example, I successfully raised $3000 on Kickstarter last year, but only $2 of that were people who found me just browsing Kickstarter site. So here, you are the one who will redirect your own hard earned viewers to those platforms. The important thing is to focus on one platform at a time. Viewer doesn’t have time or attention to memorize where you do what and will get lost in your links if you let him/her.
Two special cases here are ModelMayhem and my G+ blog. The first one doesn’t have in or out connections because I only use it as a database to find people to work with when I travel. I could use tags and recommendations and friends and all the infrastructure there, but it would take time, so I just use “browse” option to find interesting creatives. G+ blog is an example of the arrow that was red once and now it’s kind of green. I get around 200–300 reads per post there with no promotion whatsoever.
There are other resources that I didn’t show: Pinterest, Kavyar, NJL, PhotoVogue on Vogue.it , but I think from what I included you get the general idea. On Monday we will talk about how all this can be seen from the viewer’s perspective.
Next part - Viewer's Perspective
NextUp: Something interesting and surprising coming up tomorrow, I hope you will like it :)