7x7 Aliona Kuznetsova was meant to be an engineer. Growing up in Kyiv, the daughter of geologists, photography was just a hobby, just something she picked up to break up the monotony of college
Lucire about 12 Photographers Ukrainian-American photographer Aliona Kuznetsova, whose work has been featured in Lucire, is showcasing the work of 12 of her Ukrainian female colleagues at Art Bias in Redwood City, Calif. Their photographs were all
Simple Techniques To Deal With Stress - by Mariya Mykhaylova БЕЗПЕЧНЕ МІСЦЕ Спробуймо провести невеликий експеримент: уявіть собі відчуття, коли ви застрягли в пробці. Можливо, ви запізнюєтеся. Лунає звуковий сигнал, хтось щойно підрізав вас, і щоразу, коли ви змінюєте смугу, ваша смуга, здається,
Kateryna Pistunova Please tell us a bit about you, what is your story? I was born and raised in Kharkiv in northeast Ukraine. In 2015 I got into Harvard to study Physics and moved to
Vira Please tell us a bit about you, what is your story? I was born in the Los Angeles area in 1968, the middle of three children. Our father is from Donetsk and our
Olena Stadnyuk - Please tell us a bit about you, what is your story? - I am a medical doctor trained in Ukraine. While I live in the US, a lot of my family members
Aliona Kuznetsova - Please tell us a bit about you, what is your story? My name is Aliona and I am a photographer. I left my hometown Kyiv when I was 17 yo to get
Anna Alba - Please tell us a bit about you, what is your story? My name is Anna. I am Ukrainian. My parents had to evacuate from Izyum. They had 10 minutes to collect documents
Kate Savenkova My name is Kateryna Savenkova. I lived in Kyiv and worked as an actress in a theater on the Left Bank of the Dnipro. On the morning of February 24, we were supposed